(And Remove Shoulder & Neck Pain)
#trapzilla #ShoulderRehab #Trapezius #Muscle #ShoulderPain #ShoulderMobility #BulletproofShoulderSystem #Shoulder
Over-active traps
I'm sure you if you've been around a gym environment before you would have heard the term used quite a lot OR if you're a desk worker and you might have had a shoulder issue and you've gone to a doctor or a physio or something they've told you you've got overactive traps.
When your body is in a perceived threatened state it will protect you (survival), that's its main function. So if you're in a threatened state your brain will put your body in a position where it protects your vital organs, so your neck, your chest, your organs, your stomach, your hip flexors, your hamstrings will all tighten up to protect, which basically puts you into the same position when you sit which is another reason why like sitting is the new smoking is a common term. If you struggle with constant shoulder or neck issues the following steps will help you massively!
How To Release Your Traps (using a ball against the wall or floor)
Step 1:
Grab a ball, any ball, the harder, the more painful so start soft if it's your first time. Put the ball on the wall at the top of your shoulder.
Step 2:
Find the top corner of your scapula, this is where your Levator Scapula muscle inserts and is a common point of tension (because it basically stops your head from falling forward while you sit). (2:30 minutes into video)

Step 3:
With that spot, lean against the ball on the wall, then holding that spot, move your arm up and down slowly for about 2 minutes. This will help to release the tension.
Step 4:
Test your new movement ability by raising your arms over your head and feel what difference has been made.
If you go on the ground repeat the same process just be gentle to start as you can't control how much force you put into the ball like you can when you're on the wall.
How To Re-train Your Traps To Move Well
Step 1:
Grab a stick (broomstick)
Step 2:

Lift the stick over your head so your biceps are behind your ears. Make sure you don't flare your ribcage to get there. (6 minutes into video)
Step 3:
Shrug your shoulders to your ears, then pull them back down as far as you can. Repeat 15 times.
Step 4:
Repeat same process laying face down on the ground. Then test your arm movement again to see what is different. It shoulder feel smoother and less restriction.
This simple process is also important to restore the movement of your scapula because if your upper trap is locked on tight, it doesn't let the rest of your scapula articulate how it should which will lead to gleno-humeral issues like tendonitis, bursitis, impingement.
If you want more help to restore your shoulder function subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Grab your FREE Shoulder Mobility Assessment here.
To learn how to fix your own shoulder issues: Get more training like this for just $47 with the 3 Phase Bulletproof Shoulder Program!
You can also email me on jason@earntherightpt.com