Welcome to the
6 Week Knee Restoration & Strength Program
Created by Jason Dick in collaboration with Dr Robbie Simons
Below you will see the breakdown of a weekly program with what to do, how many repetitions and an instructional video on how to perform each exercise with progressions/regressions depending on your starting ability and/or the resources you have available to you.
I give you "at home" examples and also gym home examples of each exercise.
When performed consistently week to week you should notice improvement in your range of motion and strength and confidence in your day to day movement.
Don't forget to save or bookmark this page so you always have it ready for when you need it. You will also be emailed this webpage link and a PDF version of the program so keep a look out for that in your inbox (or junk mail).
If you have any issues or questions please feel free to email me at jason@earntherightpt.com
Gym Program
How often: 3 times/week
How many: Complete 3 rounds of the following 5 exercises
Equipment you'll need or alternatives:
Walking Backwards - initially no equipment eventually pulling something you can add load to. This could be a sled in the gym or something you can construct yourself out of an old tyre or wood.
A bench, couch or chair
Something to use as a step
1 or 2 poles (broom handles from Bunnings are great)
DONT FORGET to click the button below to download your printable PDF program
Begin each session with 5-10 minutes of Backwards Walking
Walking backwards on turned OFF treadmill
Loaded sled pull
Walking backwards up hill
x 20 repetitions
Points to remember:
Hips against wall.
Pull toes and foot up off the ground.
Keep heels on the ground.
REVERSE STEP UP x 10 each side
Points to remember:
Start at 1 inch off the ground.
Touch heel of one foot to ground in front.
Keep load into standing leg heel.
x 10 each side
Points to remember:
1 foot forward, the other back.
Upright torso
Control down, push back up.
x 15 repetitions
Points to remember:
Hips & knees at 90 degrees
Toes pulled back
Pull through heels