Are you stuck at home during these challenging times with minimal or no equipment?
Want to stay in shape, physically and mentally but have no idea where to start when you're going at it alone?
Want the confidence to know what you’re doing is making you fitter, stronger and overall better, not worse?
ETR specialises in functional strength training, helping people to remove the roadblocks holding them back from attaining their optimal health, fitness and strength. Our online coaching is an extension of what we do in the gym and is specifically designed to help you discover your true potential by using the most advanced methods to remove the day to day aches and pains and improve your ability to perform at your highest level every day. By educating you on the best strategies for getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be as efficiently as possible, we guarantee you will discover potential you never knew existed or had been long forgotten.
Our proven systems & personalized approach deliver specific results, unlike other "one size fits all approach" training programs
Being a part of the ETR Online Membership gives you access to:
All resources we use to help people optimise their health, strength and performance. This includes Ebooks, Interviews, Blogs, Articles, Research etc.
3 x movement/strength sessions every week performed LIVE by expert Coaches who haven't just read a book, they've "earned their stripes" with been there, done that experience.
2 x skill or rehab focused sessions every week performed LIVE by the same Coaches.
Our ETR Online Members Hub Facebook group, full of amazing like-minded people who started exactly where you are today.
A library of skill tutorials so you'll always be upskilling or learning something new.
Private technique feedback via video. If you're not sure about a movement or skill, send us a video and we will give you feedback on how to get better. We don't just leave you to figure it out on your own.
This Online Membership will help you:
Breakthrough plateaus and sticking points.
Remove roadblocks and build long-lasting results.
Regain lost confidence and feel the best you have in years.
Get functionally strong without machines.
Gain lean muscle & strip fat​​.
Sleep better.
Increase energy levels.
Learn the most advanced and efficient techniques for delivering safe and effective long term results.
Your investment is just $50 per week
we have 50 founding spots open, with only a few left and once it's full, we won't be opening it again until we're confident everyone who's already in, is getting the absolute best service we can provide.
If you strive for excellence in every aspect of life.
You want to be strong.
You want to be successful.
You want to be taken seriously.
You want to be able to train and know that everything you're doing is working towards keeping you at your fittest & strongest.​
That every session you do is taking you one step closer to your goal.
You want to know that you're training the most effective way possible to help you become fitter and stronger with no money or time wasted.
That's exactly what you'll get when you join us!
Once you’ve secured your spot – join us on the inside via our Facebook group​
Who is the Online Membership For?
People who have high expectations for the quality of service & coaching they receive.
People who want trusted coaches looking out for them. Our coaches are professionals and understand how valuable it is to you to be pain/injury free & still progressing towards your goals.
People who are sick of sitting on a machine or doing the same old boring PT routine every time they go to the gym.
People who are looking to "get back into it" but have no idea where to start.
People whose previous injuries have prevented them from feeling strong and confident.
People who don't want to be "just another member". Our community is small but strong. We respect & encourage each other.
People who want to discover what they're really capable of.
I am a Rehab, Movement & Strength Coach who works with people who are ready to pull themselves out of the rut after years of putting up with physical pain, mental negativity and emotional distress so that they can build resilience and discover a level of strength & confidence they thought was long gone.
Before I let you know what we do and how we do it, I feel you need to know WHY we do what we do.
Our WHY is the belief that making a physical transformation is so much more than just a change in appearance and performance. We know what it does for the mind and the soul, not to mention how it affects everyone around us, inspiring and creating ripples which affect others in the most positive ways. Health breads happiness.
For me, learning the difference between strength and "fitness" changed my life. It changed my body, my confidence, my mindset and it taught me a lot about life. You see "fitness" is a superficial term thrown around to represent how you show up on the outside, regardless of how you're story is going on the inside.
Strength, on the other hand, is principle focused. Principles unlike methods or strategies, are forever and cannot be broken. There are no cheats or tricks to get strong quickly, just smart, hard work, consistently over time creates the results.
This understanding has taken me on a journey and taught me:
- Pain is a powerful teacher... if you stop long enough to listen to what it's trying to say.
- WHY you do what you do is equally as important as HOW and WHAT you do.
- The best things in life are worth working for and usually don't come quickly.
- To listen to my inner game more than the external spectators.
- Stop playing the victim and start taking ownership. "Earn it"
These are the lessons I've learnt from travelling the world, listening to some of the greatest minds challenge "traditional" methods for strength, movement & rehabilitation.​​
MY MISSION and my PURPOSE is to help people rediscover their strength.
To understand life is not meant to be lived in pain, and to understand what it means to live a strong, empowered life.
I live in Heathridge, Western Australia with my beautiful wife Amanda, my gorgeous daughter Madelyn and husky dog, Rusty. When I’m not working with amazing people like you, you can find me enjoying a cold beer at the beach with friends.
We look forward to connect with and helping you.